Losing sleep can cause hallucinations, psychosis, and long-term memory impairment. Sleep deprivation is nearly as misunderstood as sleep itself, but it can physically and mentally harm people in myriad ways. “Whether you can train that to change, I don’t know.” “Now clearly like all biological things there are probably people who feel great on five hours, and they’re really lucky, and some people who need nine hours, and they’re not so lucky,” Feinsilver said. Steven Feinsilver is a pulmonologist and sleep specialist who said that humans need, on average, seven and one quarter hours of sleep to stay healthy. “While we sleep, we do not procreate, protect or nurture the young, gather food, earn money, write papers, etc.,'' he wrote.ĭr. Allan Rechtschaffen, a sleep expert and a professor emeritus at the University of Chicago, told the New York Times in 2003. “It may be the biggest open question in biology,'' Dr. Joyce Walseben, a psychiatrist and the former director of Bellevue Hospital’s Sleep Disorders Center, point to sleep’s importance in regulating the body’s hormones. There are theories-some think sleep may be the process by which the brain shuts down so it can store the day’s memories. Unlike other basic bodily functions, such as eating and breathing, we still do not fully understand why people need to sleep. But what happened to me could happen to anyone who stays awake that long, voluntarily or otherwise. Sleep specialists call these involuntary collapses “microsleeps.” It’s not hard to see why anybody-a high school chaperone, a parent, a doctor-might view a twitching, crumpling, babbling kid like me as some sort of nutcase. This happened more than once on my final day awake. While imposing a monologue on my biology teacher-who, I later learned, thought I was tripping on LSD-I blacked out and slumped mid-sentence. Kennedy Airport, my body was giving out, too. Toward the end of the ordeal, in New York’s John F. As the sleepless days passed, I experienced the increasingly severe psychological effects common with extended sleep deprivation: I hallucinated, rambled, and lost focus. So did furiously paced, illogical scribbling in a fat blue pocket notebook. To this day, I am not sure how many consecutive nights I spent awake, but it was at least four. Why? There are a few layers of “why,” and I will mine them later. I stayed up writing all night, and the next morning, on little more than impulse, I decided to go for it. I was 18, in Italy, on a school-sponsored trip with that pompously misnamed group for American teens who earn As and Bs, the National Honor Society.

In those first moments, I remembered the basics about what had landed me in the hospital: Some pseudo-philosophical ranting and flailing brought on by a poorly executed experiment to see how long I could last without sleep. My tousled hair shot out around my puffy face my head throbbed.

I made it to the toilet, then threw water on my face at the sink, staring into the mirror in the little lavatory. I forced myself up and stumbled, grabbing the chair and the bathroom doorknob for balance. I remembered the hallway I had been wheeled down, and the doctor’s office where I told the psychiatrist he was the devil, but not this room. I wore two pieces of clothing: an assless gown and a plastic bracelet. My joints ached and my eyelids, which had been open for so long, now lay heavy as old hinges above my cheekbones.
🌟 Permissions: Feel free to use this body in any way you want, so long as you give credit to Tsar for The Body SE and me for the Chonk version.I awoke in a bed for the first time in days. If you like my work you can support me by buying me a pizza! Fixed new underwear not showing up when UHR3 isn't installed Completely new underwear for SFW, replacing the current one. Fixed nipples on Chonky Chonk Highlander being a little distorted. Made to be installed after Tsar's The Body SE (Can be permanently dyed with a simple colorset edit on TexTools.) Comes with two underwear options, fully dyable with Anamnesis or Glamourer. Comes with it's own textures as a separate.

Comes with options to toggle certain parts so you can customize. Works on Hyur, Elezen, Miqo'te, Au Ra and Viera Proudly sport a belly, plump chest and bulky arms! If you have any issues that result to being a problem with TexTools I won't be able to provide support.
!!! All of my mods are tested using Penumbra, as well as created with it in mind. Chonk is a sculpt edit of The Body SE that adds a bulky "off-season" frame to your Warrior of Light.